When is dynamis a good time for you 8 votes

Sunday 1
Monday 2
Tuesday 3
Thursday 1
Friday 1

Cloudii replied

668 weeks ago

i have all wins and i am ready to lead. there is a couple of things i would want to change. First is have someone that handles all of the dyna currency. That one person sells all the currency and the distributes evenly to the people that came to the event.

Only exception is when you need the currency for a relic.In that event we will follow what Bornfree has set in place:

1. Must present a stage 3 weapon that is upgrading.
2. If you are after a +1 for a relic armor you must present the original peace

This is to eliminate people selling items and angering others who are upgrading

As for relic pieces you will put the top 3 pieces in seacom. those are the only 3 you can lot on. if a piece that no one has in seacom drops, it will turn into FL.

Any items that are not currency or relic pieces will be FL

last edited 668 weeks ago by Cloudii

Kelena Default replied

668 weeks ago

i have 0 wins and 0 relics but am after Relic Dagger for THF and TH thief hands.

Hulaut Admin replied

668 weeks ago

Why sell the currency and then split the gil? Can't we just split the currency and avoid scams from ppl not selling them for the price they say they are?

Cloudii replied

668 weeks ago

because its a lot easier to sell all of the currency if one person has it and the person selling it we probably be either the leader of the event(me) or you

Hulaut Admin replied

668 weeks ago

not sure how its easier to sell when you can pass them out on the spot after dyn, do they sell that fast? in the past we just let currency drop, but i dont mind spliting it all evenly. the only currency i think we should sell and split is the 100's cuz they go for ~1mil.

Starshinexx Default replied

668 weeks ago

Dynamis currency sells quite fast obviously there are bad weeks but it all sells really well.

Lovefairy Default replied

668 weeks ago

it sounds good with the relic upgrade rulings personally i really want the relic GK im missing currency for the first upgrade

Mercedez Default replied

667 weeks ago

I need all wins (except Windurst) for this character (Mercedez).

last edited 667 weeks ago by Mercedez

Darkhelmet replied

667 weeks ago

i have all wins except Xarcabard and need/want drg rdm blm pld blu war af2 i have drg head and body blm head body pld head body and war body already so just need remaining peices

Mercedez Default replied

666 weeks ago

nevermind - I cannot attend Thursdays…
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